Our Commitment to Your Privacy
Herd Tactical understands the importance of keeping your personal information private. By using the Herd Tactical site, you agree to the terms of our privacy policy as defined here for all information submitted or requested on this web site. We only use your personal information according to these guidelines, except with your consent or as required by law.
When you submit a request to Herd Tactical via the web site or e-mail, we use that information to process your request. We do not share this information with other parties, except when necessary to complete your request. This includes the information submitted to request a quote from Herd Tactical.
E-mail addresses are used for Herd Tactical communication purposes only. E-mail addresses are not used for any other purpose, and are not shared with other groups or individuals.
Our client's personal identifying information is never shared with other groups or individuals without your consent. We do reserve the right to use general information in a collection of demographics.
If you have any questions or concerns about use of this web site, or any other security issues with Herd Tactical, please call us at 304 302-0509 or e-mail us at info@herdtactical.com